Saturday 11 January 2020

Wishing you Good Health in 2020

January is often a time when I reflect on the state of my health.  After all the temptations of Christmas I   For many years I would spend the next months trying to get back into balance.  I also assumed that the lack of energy, aches and pains were all signs of ageing and not to do with general poor health.  However receiving a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes made me pay more attention to my health and how I was maintaining it or otherwise through my lifestyle choices.  I am grateful for my Reiki practice which has, I believe, helped me to achieve much better health and to discover that energy levels can improve and pain be a thing of the past, as well as feeling happier.
usually find that my waistline has expanded and my energy is low.

I find that the daily Reiki self-treatment is a time in which I can pay attention to the subtle messages my body is giving me.  I have learned that my body has great wisdom if I am willing to listen, but it often speaks quietly at first.  As my mind becomes calm thanks to Reiki, I become more aware of the voice of my intuition.  Listening to this wisdom has enabled me to make better choices.  Reiki has also helped me to want to make those choices.

A good example is that when I first learned Reiki about 30 years ago, I used to smoke.  I had unsuccessfully tried giving up a few times.  As I gave myself Reiki treatments and received them from others, I began to be aware of the way smoking was affecting my lungs.  I also began to have the feeling that I didn’t want to do that to my body any more.  It was then easy to let go of the habit and I stopped smoking for good.

I have also learned how important sleep is to good health.  I now find that I really notice the difference when my quality or quantity of sleep is less.  Reiki is helpful to get to sleep if my mind is busy and I have had reports from several students who suffered from insomnia that a Reiki treatment at the end of the day helps them sleep peacefully through the night!

One of the other things I have learned about achieving and maintaining better health is that it takes consistency.  Once again my Reiki practice helped: through having something in life that I practice most days (my self-treatment), it was easier to introduce other healthy habits, such as walking every day for 30 minutes (as recommended by Reiki Grand Master Hawayo Takata).

Receiving Reiki also enables me to be less stressful, another key to good health.  I still find Reiki’s ability to calm my mind and bring me into a meditative state – including when giving treatments – quite amazing.

So in wishing you good health in the coming year I wish you good sleep, less stress and a growing ability to listen to and act on your body’s wisdom so that your life can be more joyful.

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