Thursday 21 March 2019

Exploration in Arizona

I am writing this article in a hotel room in Green Valley Arizona, where I have come to participate in a Reiki master intensive. Last week I attended another intensive known as Usui II, in which masters have the opportunity to explore the form of teaching Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki in the way it was taught by Hawayo   So I apologise if this newsletter has some errors as I was not able to complete it before leaving home, so am writing on an unfamiliar machine!

The Usui II is usually taught by Phyllis Furumoto and Paul Mitchell, who together hold what is

The group of masters who gathered for this time of exploration came from many different countries and had varying years of experience. I love being in international groups and this one was a very special experience at this poignant time.  I found that we were a group who were good at taking responsibility for ourselves. As someone commented it was also a group in which no unkind word was spoken.

We shared Reiki treatments every day and have also been sending distant Reiki to Phyllis, her partner Joyce and others at Phyllis' home who are caring for her. We were delighted to hear that Phyllis is in minimal pain, much less than the doctors predicted, which is probably due to the Reiki being sent to her from all over the world by many many Reiki people.

This week some of the same group will continue to work together to explore how we can continue the legacy of Takata and Phyllis when she is no longer with us.

Phyllis has been part of my Reiki journey since I was a young master and it is difficult to imagine her not being around, so this work will be tender and probably quite intense, so I am very glad that we will be sharing more Reiki. It is good to be with other Reiki masters and to be able to offer some support to Joyce at this difficult time.

I feel so honoured and grateful to be here at this special time and thank all those who have supported me to be here.  Only a month ago it seemed almost impossible that I would be in Arizona for this work.
known as the Office of Grand Master. Sadly Phyllis was unable to be with us because she has now entered the last days after living with cancer for almost 10 years. She had hoped to join us via a video link and did so on the second day, but unfortunately this proved too exhausting for her so the rest of the week was led by Paul alone.